Yessss, tele working working at home
Yes, you are going to work from home, ask your family to leave you alone, and settle down at the kitchen table to get started. Really? After fifteen minutes your first child comes in and then the whole horde. You have to intervene, prevent arguments, answer the 'what are we going to do' question, make healthy snacks, etc. Your partner will also "just" come in for a good chat and a cup of coffee, while you try to work.
Before you know it it is 3 pm and you have hardly been able to do anything. You decide to pick up the thread again in the evening, but towards the evening you notice that your focus is gone and you decide "ok, tomorrow another day”. Also at home, the tasks are piling up gradually and the workload increases insidiously.
The question arises, how do I make it kindly clear to my colleagues or co-residents that I am busy and that they can come up to me if I have the time? EASYFLUX!